REO Protection Insurance Program
With an ever increasing number of REO property in the market place, we understand that lenders are trying to contain the costs they incur in the whole foreclosure process. Many people fail to realize the numerous costs involved with maintaining a portfolio of foreclosed properties. One of these costs, that can be significant with either a large or small portfolio of REO properties, is Real Estate Owned Insurance.
Protect your assets with our unique Real Estate Owned Insurance Plan. Coverage includes Hazard, Wind, Flood and Liability Insurance.
At RIS, our REO Property and Liability Insurance program provides lenders with coverage for their owned properties, as well as foreclosed properties and property in the process of foreclosure. We provide all-risk, full replacement cost coverage for residential and commercial properties. We even cover theft from commercial buildings and vacant residential houses. Full Liability coverage is also available for vacant/raw land properties. And we can provide coverage on any property at any time. No individual property application or underwriting process means one thing to lenders – instant coverage, which means less risk!
“We’ve got you covered.”
Benefits of RIS’ Real Estate Owned Insurance Plan include:
- No individual property underwriting
- Instant Coverage Available
- Claims settled on Replacement Cost
- Pays even if repairs are not made
- Mobile Homes covered for ACV
- REO Rates lower than Lend Placed Rates
Call today to learn more about this valuable coverage for your REO properties!
- Claims settled within 45 days
- Refunds issued on pro-rata basis
- Flexible Terms – Policies written for 1, 3, 6 or 12 month policy terms
- Covers hazard, wind, flood, liability
- Multiple “A” Rated Carriers available
- Easy on-line policy ordering